A Life-Saving Treatment
New Surgy-Trim™ System Technology safely trims the ends of the hair where damaged hair ends and split ends start while preserving the beautiful, long, healthy hair, insuring that all the ends (split, damaged or dry) are trimmed and healthy.
The Split-Ender unique patented “Hair Plate” is Specially Designed to guide the hair strands to uniformly flow in and out throughout the “Strand Guards” and safely guiding each and every hair in a straight motion, forcing them to stand straight up when reaching the “Center of the Hair Plate”. The blades snip the tip by approximately 1/8″ to 1/4″ (depending of the Spacer type that you select) trimming the ends where burned, dry, damaged hair ends and split ends are more likely to be found. All this! While preserving and leaving the long, beautiful and healthy hair strands untouched.

Keep your length!
Snips the Ends, Not the Length
Easier, Faster & Safer than Scissors or Blades
Safely Trims the Tips of Damaged, Fried, Broken, Brittle Hair and Split Ends in Minutes
Promotes a Healthy Looking Sheen and a Silky Luxurious Head of Hair
Save Your Client Lots of Money on Expensive Hair Conditioning Treatment that don’t Resolve the Problem
Now Men and Woman can Grow Longer Hair, Faster, More Beautiful and Healthier than Ever Before